miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Kobe Bryant Expected To Miss All-Star Game, Out At Least 3 More Weeks

Kobe Bryant Expected To Miss All-Star Game, Out At Least 3 More Weeks


Main Point:
Basketball Player

obe Bryant is expected to miss the NBA All-Star game due to continued pain and swelling in his injured left knee.
The Los Angeles Lakers provided an injury update on the superstar guard Tuesday night, saying Bryant will be out for at least three more weeks before he is re-examined.
Bryant was voted a starter in the All-Star game, which is in New Orleans on Feb. 16 — less than three weeks away. Bryant had previously said he hoped fans wouldn't vote for him, but the fourth-leading scorer in NBA history was elected to the game for the 16th straight time anyway.

Personal Opinion
Los Angeles Lakers needs Kobe Bryant to be a better team, beacuse without him they don't  have how to play.

Practice Is Better With A Partner, Study Shows

Practice Is Better With A Partner, Study Shows.


Main Point.
Play sports is good for our boddy.

Researchers from the UK and Japan found that people performed better on a computer task that required use of a joystick device when they practiced the task by working with a partner, versus working on their own.
An interesting twist: Most people in the study didn't even realize they were working with a partner.
The partner was hidden from view, but the partner's joystick device was connected with a virtual elastic band to the other person's joystick device, so that the partner's touch gave cues to the other person that then affected performance.

Personal Opinion.
When we practice a sport with a partner we do a better job, so we play better and we can show our skills.

What Brazil Can Teach The World About Living Well

What Brazil Can Teach The World About Living Well


Main point:
nice country

Brazil holds a charmed place in the public imagination, thanks to its unparalleled physical beauty, its rich arts and culture and the incredible warmth with which Brazilians receive visitors to the country. The natural wealth of the country is staggering: It is home to much of the Amazon rainforest, the equally majestic, but lesser known Mata Atlantica, the Pantanal and the largest coastline of any country in South America.

Personal Opinion.
Brazilians are mostly great. It's Brazil that's the problem. Writing a piece like this is not doing a service to your readers or your topic. Like every country, Brazil has it's good and bad. It's just that the good is really good, and the bad is as bad as it gets. Brazilians pay the highest taxes in the western hemisphere, and get almost nothing in return. Poor infrastructure, poor security, poor environment (see Guanabara Bay in Rio), poor social services, corrupt government, poor education and poor healthcare. 

10 Ways To Prevent Sleep-Related Weight Gain

10 Ways To Prevent Sleep-Related Weight Gain


Main Point:
health and weight

The link between diet and sleep can be compared to the chicken or egg problem which comes first. 
You need to eat healthfully to sleep soundly, while getting enough zzz's also encourages a healthy diet and lifestyle. Regardless of the reason for a disrupted sleep cycle, here are some tips to help you sleep easier and maybe even shed a few pounds.

Personal opinion.
Great article, and this 'evening snack' thing is quite common this is why i literally close up the kitchen, once the dishes are done and lights off i dont go there lol loved the point about how being content encourages relaxation, making a list of what's on my to-do list for tomorrow and crossing off what i did that day is part of my evening ritual, its something that i look forward to because if ive staged myself well and set up what i need to get my day going i find myself being happier while im being productive. Preparation is quite literally 'future lubricant' without it the transition into the next day is just rough and uncomfortable

Who Knew Interstellar War Could Look This Amazing

Who Knew Interstellar War Could Look This Amazing


Main point.
Space station

In the wee hours of Monday morning, an immense fight erupted over a space station. Lasers fired, vessels were obliterated and thousands upon thousands of dollars were lost. The melee took place in a simulated universe online, and a late rent payment triggered the whole thing.

Personal Opinion.
Eve online looks so cool. It's just too money and time consuming

Newly Discovered Brain Region May Be Unique To Humans

Newly Discovered Brain Region May Be Unique To Humans


Main Point.
part of the brain 

Scientists have identified a part of the brain that seems to be unique to humans.
The brain region, called the lateral frontal pole prefrontal cortex, was described today (Jan. 28) in the journal Neuron, and is linked to higher thinking processes.
"We tend to think that being able to plan into the future, be flexible in our approach and learn from others are things that are particularly impressive about humans," Matthew Rushworth, an experimental psychologist at Oxford University, said in a statement. "We've identified an area of the brain that appears to be uniquely human, and is likely to have something to do with these cognitive powers,"

Personal Opinion:
We and other species do most thinking in our respective subconscious but we have this region that pulls structure from that flitter and enables us to share our personal flitters with those around us.

At Least 20 Percent Neanderthal DNA Is In Modern Humans, Scientists Say

At Least 20 Percent Neanderthal DNA Is In Modern Humans, Scientists Say.


Main Points.
Neanderthal DNA.

At least one-fifth of the Neanderthal genome may lurk within modern humans, influencing the skin, hair and diseases people have today, researchers say.

Personal Opinion.
That would certainly explain the presence of today's GOP and self-described conservatives who still walk the Earth in our time.

Scientist Sues NASA, Alleges Failure To Investigate Alien Life On Mars

Scientist Sues NASA, Alleges Failure To Investigate Alien Life On Mars


Main Points.
Alien life on mars

A strange "mystery" rock on Mars showed up in images snapped by the Opportunity rover on Jan. 8. And now astrobiologist Dr. Rhawn Joseph claims in a lawsuit that there's more to this mineral than meets the eye.

Personal Opinion.
Exactly. I thought the same thing as soon as I read the headline. It is absurd to even think that NASA would intentionally avoid looking at evidence of possible life. It's like saying someone at Los Vegas would intentionally try to avoid a card that would give them a Royal Flush.

Facebook's Plan For Artificial Intelligence: Transcribe Your Calls, Decipher Your Photos

Facebook's Plan For Artificial Intelligence: Transcribe Your Calls, Decipher Your Photos.


Main Points:
Web page
Artificial Intelligence

On Facebook's earnings call Wednesday afternoon, Mark Zuckerberg offered a peek at the social network's long-term plans for artificial intelligence. And just as we explained in November, Facebook hopes AI will help it more thoroughly understand the meaning of everything you share, from gauging your mood by the words in your status update, to picking out a Coke can in your photos.

Personal Opinion:
What this really means is they want the best for their Advertisers and the maximum money return. But here is the thing. They are pushing too hard too fast to become globally dominant like Google and Apple. Eventually Facebook is going to be based so much around the ads that people will just be turned off and find something else to use. 

Allen Iverson Retires: Let's Revisit His Finest Moment

Allen Iverson Retires: Let's Revisit His Finest Moment


Main Points:
Best basketball player NBA ever
Crossover King

Allen Iverson's legacy is not without numerous controversies. In addition to off court issues stemming from drugs and gambling, A.I. also was a leading face of the 2004 Olympics debacle, filibustered on "Practice" to memorable effect, and clashed with coaches and the commissioner's NBA Dress Code alike. He also, however, was an insatiable competitor and a once-in-a-generation scorer. At this moment, a dozen years since his breathtaking performance in that first Finals game, we'd be remiss not to remember the one night it all came together so spectacularly for him.

Personal opinion:
Allen Iverson is the nba player ever, watching Iverson playing inspire me to play hard, and that's why i love basketball 

Those Ads You Hate Are Making Facebook A Lot Of Money

Those Ads You Hate Are Making Facebook A Lot Of Money.


Main Points:
Noizy Ads

this article tlaks about how facebook make alot of money with ads, they sell blank space in his web page and we have to see that noizy adds.

Personal Opinion.
I really don't like ads because they occupe a lot of space and i really don't care what they say about it.

It's Not Just How Many Steps You Take, It's How You Take Your Steps

It's Not Just How Many Steps You Take, It's How You Take Your Steps.


Main Point:

Accumulating steps over the course of the day (no matter how brief each isolated walk may be) is certainly better than nothing. But, according to recent research, merely reaching the 10,000-step milestone doesn't mean much if health and fitness are what you're after.

Personal Opinion.

Studies like the last one showing that a much higher percentage of fast-walking 75 year old women lived to 85 than did slow-walking are very weak. I'm hoping there was some equivalency in these women's health at the outset because if someone is walking more slowly because they have more health issues then of course they'll be less likely to be alive in 10 years! No, I haven't read the study but I'd hope this author would point that out here in the description so its merits could be properly evaluated.