miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

10 Ways To Prevent Sleep-Related Weight Gain

10 Ways To Prevent Sleep-Related Weight Gain


Main Point:
health and weight

The link between diet and sleep can be compared to the chicken or egg problem which comes first. 
You need to eat healthfully to sleep soundly, while getting enough zzz's also encourages a healthy diet and lifestyle. Regardless of the reason for a disrupted sleep cycle, here are some tips to help you sleep easier and maybe even shed a few pounds.

Personal opinion.
Great article, and this 'evening snack' thing is quite common this is why i literally close up the kitchen, once the dishes are done and lights off i dont go there lol loved the point about how being content encourages relaxation, making a list of what's on my to-do list for tomorrow and crossing off what i did that day is part of my evening ritual, its something that i look forward to because if ive staged myself well and set up what i need to get my day going i find myself being happier while im being productive. Preparation is quite literally 'future lubricant' without it the transition into the next day is just rough and uncomfortable

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