miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

It's Not Just How Many Steps You Take, It's How You Take Your Steps

It's Not Just How Many Steps You Take, It's How You Take Your Steps.


Main Point:

Accumulating steps over the course of the day (no matter how brief each isolated walk may be) is certainly better than nothing. But, according to recent research, merely reaching the 10,000-step milestone doesn't mean much if health and fitness are what you're after.

Personal Opinion.

Studies like the last one showing that a much higher percentage of fast-walking 75 year old women lived to 85 than did slow-walking are very weak. I'm hoping there was some equivalency in these women's health at the outset because if someone is walking more slowly because they have more health issues then of course they'll be less likely to be alive in 10 years! No, I haven't read the study but I'd hope this author would point that out here in the description so its merits could be properly evaluated.

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